Termidor® Termite Treatment
#1 for a great number of reasons
No other termite control system of any type has ever achieved such a high level of effectiveness. Quite simply: Termidor is the most effective and fastest at completely eliminating termite populations. So it's not surprising that millions of homeowners like you have made Termidor the #1 termite defense product in America.
What makes Termidor so unique? Here are just a few of the revolutionary attributes that set Termidor apart:
The only one to completely eliminate termites in all tests, in all locations. Before Termidor was made available to American homeowners through Termidor Certified Professionals, it was put through some of the toughest efficacy and environmental tests in history. For 10+ years of testing, Termidor was proven to be effective against subterranean termites, including Formosans, in even the most challenging situations, climates and environments.
The fastest
When it comes to getting rid of termites, nothing does the job quicker than Termidor. Period. Your termite problem will be completely eliminated. It's that simple.
Advanced undetectable technology
Termidor is made from a revolutionary new non-repellent or "undetectable" chemical technology treatment. That means termites cannot see, smell, taste or avoid Termidor. Instead they contact, ingest, and share it with their nest mates. This is in sharp contrast to older liquid termite controls, which rely on repellent barriers that termites can finds breaks in or avoid completely.
The "Transfer Effect™"
Termites who contact Termidor transfer it to every other termite they in turn contact in a unique process called the "Transfer Effect." And because Termidor is engineered to be slow-acting, termites have ample time to spread it throughout their entire termite population.
Better than bait... without the wait
Baits can take years to control a termite colony. Termidor begins working immediately to wipe out termites inside and immediately surrounding your home. Termidor is the most effective and fastest at completely eliminating termite populations — up to six-times faster than bait systems.